Now it’s time to learn the Ninjutsu elements tai sabaki (body movement) & ashi sabaki (foot movement), & tobi jutsu (hopping art). Ashi sabaki is also sometimes referred to as san shin sabaki (3 hearts movement, as in facing forward, right, or left).
This is where they fit into the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu curriculum:

All in all there are 13 directions:
1) face forward (san shin / ashi sabaki – mae)
2) turn right (san shin / ashi sabaki – migi)
3) turn left (san shin / ashi sabaki – hidari)
4) forward (mae / zenpo)
5) backward (koho / oshiru)
6) side right (yoko – migi)
7) side left (yoko – hidari)
8) up (agyi)
9) down (otoshi)
10) diagonal forward right (sayo migi)
11) diagonal forward left (sayo hidari)
12) diagonal backward right (naname migi)
13) diagonal backward left (naname hidari)
We start off with sui (water) gyu (element) in which diagonal taihenjutsu is ideal as follows:
Given how important this is, let’s do it again:
The remaining elements are done by their dominant body part:
- earth: utilize knees by sinking into them when moving in any axis + san shin sabaki by stepping a little then turn and sink down. Here, turning taihenjutsu is ideal.
- fire: forward, backward, and sideways while facing them + san shin sabaki by retreating backwards but facing opponent. Here, forward & backward taihenjutsu is ideal.
- air: only sideways + san shin sabaki but using the shoulders. Here, sideways taihenjutsu is ideal.
Each of the movements can be done with a hop (tobi) also.
It is not recommended to go backward (#5) because your attacker will just keep coming at you. However, if you can go back just enough to avoid the attack then immediately forward then it can work as a surprise.
For remaining elements’ tai sabaki, you should contribute $10 minimum per video via or or via the Support Us button. You may also contact me at http://www.NoDojo.Ninja for live one on one training where I can also give you some feedback
That concludes our Ninjutsu elements tai sabaki (body movement) tutorial
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